9 reviews liked by CrossTrash

very rare that I start and finish an entire game in the same day/nearly the same sitting. one of the best games I've ever played in terms of raw game feel, the movement just feels tight responsive and perfect. the grappling hook is awesome, killing enemies just to grab their corpse and throw them at other enemies never fails to be satisfying, and the movement with it is really cool albeit limited by so many rooms having spiked roofs or no roofs at all. god tier game, auto recommend to literally everyone interested

A 10/10 sleeper hit out of nowhere. Holy shit.

It does so much cool shit that makes it the best Mega Man-like (maybe even better than some Mega Man games) thus far. Just so good

really made me feel like an anime fan on prom night

Holy shit dude. Game doesn't have an original bone in its body but oh my god the movement, the combat, the moment to moment flow, easily the punchiest 2D action platformer I've experienced in like a decade. Old Inticreates basically did most of this game's entire homework for them (down to several story beats too lol) so I can't give anything here TOO much credit but grabbing dudes mid-jump, chain-chucking them at each other and piledriving bosses out of their special attacks is something no Megaman clone I know of does better than this so I can safely say they nailed that part. Wish the hookshot was utilized a bit more in stages and some of the abilities are flat-out better than others, but I'm already looking forward to doing a no-upgrade playthrough so they definitely got the important parts right. Capcom what are you fucking doing

There's been many games over the years inspired by the Megaman series, but none had really caught my attention until January 2023 when i discovered Gravity Circuit. I played the demo and was immediately impressed by just how good it was. Fast forward to now and the full game has just released, and i can confirm it's definitely lived up to the hype.

First off, the gameplay loop is incredibly fun. The melee combat feels satisfying, and the energy gauge abilities you can pull off are badass. Each stage has it's unique theme fully implemented into the level/art design, making each one always feel fresh. As for the music, it's frickin' awesome. It fits perfectly with the stages, and each song is an absolute banger. The story in this game isn't that deep, but i still really enjoyed it. The setups during the story are more focused on getting you straight into the action, which i really appreciated.

Overall, Gravity Circuit is a phenomenal game that i enjoyed start to finish. If you enjoy Megaman games, or 2D platformers in general, i would highly recommend you check out this game.

Who needs a buster when you can just dropkick a dude and throw him like a giant pinball

Absolutely underrated, underappreciated title! This game rocks! I should replay it, soon...

Really wish that old guy would just fucking retire already instead of showing up every year to tell me how Pokémon battles work