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Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

March 7, 2024

First played

March 3, 2024

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Fluctuates from an interesting experience with elements of Dishonored in Part 2 where Elizabeth can play nonlethally and turn invisible while Part 1 features some more generic Bioshock Infinite gunplay but this time Booker can carry all his guns which is a feature that should have been added retroactively into the base game. The cowardice in their storytelling to take Daisy Fitzroy's revolution with the Vox and turn it into a vehicle for Elizabeth's character growth is insane. You find audio logs that describe how Fitzroy is unsatisfied with a bloody revolution and concerned about her role as a martyr which I feel pushes this idea that everything the Vox do in the sake of fighting the racism and class oppression they experience in Columbia is something they could or should have resolved nonviolently. A nonviolent revolution is a nice idea but when your main story presents the Vox revolution as no different from Comstock's racist oppression it seems cowardly to then back away from presenting the Vox as bloody killers and instead show how Fitzroy was actually a heroic martyr for the sake of making Elizabeth a "woman" through spilling her own blood. Just an incredibly stupid retcon in a DLC filled with incredibly stupid retcons like how Elizabeth had a direct hand in drawing Jack (Bioshock 1's protagonist) to Rapture and helping the process of imprinting Big Daddies onto Little Sisters.