68 Reviews liked by Crowicks

Very solid remaster in terms of recapturing the feel of the original Modern Warfare 2 while bringing it to life with the polish of a new call of duty. Insanely disappointing that only the campaign was remastered because the game feels amazing and would benefit greatly from having its original multiplayer mode

Fun to play with friends, but when you think for at least two seconds about the story you're consuming then it makes you go insane. Hank and Conor were nice though

I'm just a bird in a david cage. Making robots an allegory for POC has always been weird and this game doesn't do anything to innovate or sell me on the concept. It has some really fun moments of tension, but the overall narrative just falls completely flat.

very... mixed feelings. i am in love w the characters but david cage is a fucking asshole and i hope he dies in a hole

racism and misogyny criticised by a racist misogynistic white man

Bad story. Bad characters. Written by THE David cage.

Written and directed by David Cage.

It sure is pretty. Wish it was good!

The writing is offensive and hamfisted in a way that's pretty impossible to look past. Any potential it had is almost completely wasted. The half star is for some of the actors doing a good job and how pretty it is.

Fun to break a game because it added stealth and they forgot to account for it in the enemy AI

Gosh, such mixed feelings. All in all I believe it to be an ambitious failure. The story is confused and pretentious, the gameplay is repetitive and frustrating, the story themes are at times offensively simple and condescending.

I prefer to appreciate art when it reaches for the stars and comes up short - but this game feels more like a collection of influences and unfinished thoughts that occasionally strikes gold (ie. the first couple hours). I can't say that what this game ended up being as a finished product was good.

But all my praise to the visuals, the music, and the ambition, and I hope those that worked on this feel proud of the pieces. Please keep trying.

Stunning visuals and fast paced combat almost make up for the lack of thematic cohesiveness.

In my first five hours I was like, "fuck I can't wait to read everyone's thoughts and essays when I'm done" but then later realized that it was getting pretty messy and not worth thinking about too hard.

As its nomenclature suggests, BioShock Infinite is different from its predecessors. Columbia is a breath of fresh air, free from the claustrophobia down in Rapture. But what remains the same from previous entries is the staggering attention to detail and a story that cracks your brain wide open.

Things I liked:
• The art direction is immaculate and stands toe-to-toe with BioShock 1 and 2. Every so often I had to stop just to appreciate how beautiful this game looks.
• Combat is actually fun, a first for me in the BioShock series. The new powers, or vigors, were a welcome change as they blended well with the gunplay. Elizabeth's help in combat can sometimes turn the tide in dire situations.
• The characters in BioShock Infinite are incredibly well written and memorable, especially our two leads.
• Again, the attention to detail is jaw-dropping. With the environments, in-game posters, Voxophones, clever writing, and more, I'm sure it'll take several playthroughs just to take it all in.

Things I didn't like:
• The plot is a little too narratively focused. Often it felt like details were specifically withheld only to string the player along.
• Exploration is arguably the weakest in the series, with the lack of a map and inability to backtrack in most cases.
• The Vox Populi seemed like an underwritten part of the story, especially compared to Fontaine's army or Lamb's family. Working through that portion of the plot felt underwhelming, with a weak resolution.

I'm incredibly glad to have returned to this series eight years later. With news of another entry on the horizon, I have to ask: how on earth do they follow up on this?

Kevin Levine is the Doug Walker of video games, and this is his To Boldly Flee

A great DLC mostly no one has played. Love the story