68 Reviews liked by Crowicks

I did not care about the story as a whole, but I actually got more invested in the climbing and delivery aspect of the game more than I expected.

There are parts of the delivery system I don't think are fully executed well (only able to receive likes and not dislikes, not enough timed pressure even on hard mode) when I think of a game that feels like it wants to comment on the gig delivery service industry.

Kojima continues to stink when it comes to writing women into his stories, but at least none of them breathe through their skin this time.

how to make a desolate open world feel lived in, and deliver some of the most immersive gameplay in the medium while essentially encouraging the player to multitask during their playthrough.

ends as an entire movie, but kojima a filmmaker from the start. this game crystalizes every idea he ever did, or tried to put forth, into something that shatters any walls attempting to contain it.

i wept, and i think i turned socialist.


Windows 10 (bad performance on linux), Controller

- Difficulty: Hard
- Playtime: 51:27:26
- Distance Traveled: 260.4km

edit: jesus.. literally as i log this learning kim ki duk died.

A fine little game with a truly charming cast that lacks solid development in the writing department. Combat is an egregious step backwards from the amazing system in play with Xillia 2, but I've enjoyed my time and re-visits of this game. it's Ok.

How brave of them to be so willing to make not only SNK's best protagonist ever, but make their previous best protagonist even more handsome

While having a relatively smaller cast compared to some SNK fighters, the technical skill involved in playing creates a game that is easy to learn but difficult to master (in terms of fighting game standards). Definite fun time.

Rock is the coolest fighting protagonist of all time

This game is smooth. Even if the story isn't entirely fleshed out for all characters. Even if the roster is small. Even if I can't main everyone well. This game plays like an absolute dream. Like you are floating on cloud 9. Anyone can pick up this game go wild son. Just pick the design that appeals to you the most and you'll work it out boy. Just don't get anti-aired by a raging storm