Too many bots i should not be going 162-0 in my first day playing. No teamwork, your teammates will be fighting you bc one of you will be the world boss since you're not bots and also not 11 years old, which are the only players who arent bots.

idfk too young to remember played a lot of it so 4 stars?

5 star for spectators 4.5 for players, the weather system is really fun to watch but a bit annoying in play.

Kovaaks is uglier but 100x better

Checkpoints broken also can stack mats making it easy the difficulty is in stupid map design

Gets a star for prox chat every rated m shooter should have it

Really fun. Not a lotta songs tho. Then they charge $2 per song. I would say mod the game and its maybe 5 stars but without its like 3.5 but the gameplay is jus like a arcade its crazy.

I aint kno it was like that I aint c the whole picture even I jus seen they faces n downloaded it off humble bundle