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Even with all the quirks and the bad design choices of this game, I have a hard time hating it.

Honestly, while this game is way more linear than The Legend of Zelda, it still gives us a lot of huge areas to explore, items and upgrades to get and enemies to defeat. The fact that the game is not really that hard also adds a lot to the experience, making it a very chill and comfy experience.

The dungeons are hit or miss, obviously, after all instantly leaving dungeons and have to start again if you hit the edge of the screen is honestly not very fun (specially since most dungeons will try to trick you into getting in situations where you get stuck and all you can do is leave), but it's really not that bad. The combat is... not that good. But it doesn't matter that much because the game gives you tons of health upgrades throughout the game, and death is not really all that punishing.

Also the visuals are amazing, I just like the 8-bit anime style that a lot of Master System games have.

Overall, I'm probably not recommending this game to everyone, but if you can look past it's flaws, it can be a very fun experience.