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The best Persona game easily. In terms of Characters, Gameplay, Dungeons/Palaces, Bosses, Soundtrack and Expansion.

P4 was lacking in Dungeon design which felt very straight forward and I wished they were longer.

P3 Characters were sooo overrated. Absolutely 0 chemistry between its cast within the first third of the game and it made it very difficult to be fixated within its story. I can’t stand Junpei.

P5 flaws seem pretty subjective. Whether it’s the overuse of dialogue (some people like heavy dialogue), or whether it was easier (still had the most unique gameplay) or because of how unintelligent the characters were being at times. I think the point is that they’re not meant to be an intelligent group. It’s a bunch of teens for crying out loud, ofc they lack critical thinking so they’re not as bright as SEES who’s pretty much lead by an adult in a completely different setting. But that’s kind of the point in which it advances its plot with how infuriating the characters can be. It’s the still the best plot with the urgent, rebellious tone that’s being played, it’s by far the easiest to become addicted to and it’s the most visually stunning. The Palaces are by far the best, Kamoshida right off the bat becomes something more complex with its design and puzzles than anything of the previous Persona 4. Yet I don’t even find Kamoshida’s palace to be top 3. Sae’s arc with Whims of Fate, Casino design and unpredictability is much more intriguing and gripping, Shido might be too long for some and has the mice puzzle, but Ark and the story that lead up to that point is extremely satisfying as well as the whole Ship design is underrated. Then you have Maruki’s palace, the pinnacle of the game and the newest due to the expansion. Talk about top tier Storytelling, Lore and Palace design. The whole game consists of far more unique boss fights and villains compared to the previous games. Kamoshida is dislikable, Madarame is dislikable, Kaneshiro is dislikable, Sae is a pain in the ass, Shido is the reason the game exists with his political ruling. Be serious, the other 2 games didn’t have the drive that P5 does.

I guess if I had a reasonable flaw with this game is how annoying it can be at times especially with repetitive dialogue (youth character issues) but let’s be honest, it’s nearly impossible not to become addicted with how rich and immersive the game is. Anyone who thinks to give a negative review are the same people who love to over exaggerate or are just simply put, trolls. There are also the ones who only played the Vanilla version, which is objectively more flawed with its pacing and final boss, something that Royal vastly improves upon as well as more attention to detail.

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Phenomenal Game. Story is pretty eerie and intriguing with the fog and murder mystery so it sets the tone, dungeon designs are pretty bland but the aesthetics are great. Wished you could kill Teddie though, he’s my least favorite character in the series, it doesn’t help that he has a creepy ass voice to go along how he’s originally presented. Every other character is unique and they have personality.