Monkey Island, Ranked

Nothing here!

I'm as surprised as anyone
Holds up great. One of those moments where a bunch of creative people and a certain level of technology intersected briefly to make something superior
Still good, but the discordant graphics bug me. Chasing a fad it didn't need to
Wish this was just a little better so I could put it over MI2. Definitely the pleasant surprise of the bunch for me
The Telltale house style is just so boring
Nightmarishly bad


9 months ago

I was looking at Return to Monkey Island, but seeing you rank it above The Secret of Monkey Island makes me SUPER interested in it now.

9 months ago

@Dalaamclouds well don't entirely take my word for it - it seems like it was pretty divisive among the fanbase. I could see how certain aspects could rub someone the wrong way. But yeah, I loved it!

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