Is the multiplayer enough to excuse how safe this game is? It was certainly a big deal, and justifiedly so - it is great and terrible in a system-defining way. But damn if this isn't just dull as hell, otherwise. And it shouldn't be! The control and platforming mechanics are probably the best the series has ever been, and even the motion control gimmicks aren't half bad. That little waggle air spin that gets you more distance on a jump - divine. But I would give absolutely anything for more interesting levels, characters, map layout, secrets, music, art, a final boss that's not terrible ... anything. Just so bland. Like eating a perfectly-made gourmet rice cake.

It's so hard to know how to rate this, because it's mechanically perfect and technically does do stuff the series hasn't ever before. But boy does it not feel like it.

Reviewed on Dec 09, 2023


6 months ago

Also on a random note, the packaging/presentation for this game is gorgeous. That rich red case, heavy ass manual with an interesting cover in there, and very nice disc art of all things. An extremely pleasing physical object.

6 months ago

Well rats, now I feel like I've missed out -- I picked this up from GameStop a few years ago, sans manual and original case. I'll have to look up the manual online.