So, what exactly is the "wonder" of the title? Put plainly, it's one unusual, psychedelic bonus area per stage, usually where you are empowered or altered in ways that no Mario title has ever tried before. Is that addition enough to justify the game, and set it apart from the NEW SUPER MARIO BROS. series? Sure! I was compelled to play every new stage for more than just completion - I was genuinely interested to see what was next. Can't always say that for these latter-day 2D Mario games. Is it challenging? No, absolutely not. Aside from the unbelievably cheap and pointless bonus levels you get for 100%ing the game, nothing here is going to give anyone any trouble, even if you're a completionist. But does that matter? Not for what the game is going for. It wants you to feel wonder, and that doesn't require any meaningful challenge, really.

So, it's fun! And it's gorgeous. And the platforming is as tight as ever - so it's good! But is absolutely anything in this game going to stick in your mind for even as little as a week after you beat it and put it on a shelf? Probably not.

Reviewed on Dec 15, 2023

1 Comment

5 months ago

Perfectly said!