(played as part of ATARI 50)

It's BREAKOUT with three new modes - one where the bricks slowly advance on you (and start out kind of low to begin with), one where you can break out (heh) extra balls from cavities within the wall, and one where you have a forward and back paddle, and get served two balls at once to juggle with them. Fine variations (the two paddle one can be hectic fun if you get the hang of it), but the tuning, while tweaked a bit with more lives per quarter and a slower acceleration of the ball (I think) still hasn't found the sweet spot. I'd say the paddle still needs to be about doubled in size. But that would mean fewer quarters munched!

As far as this general practice of taking popular arcade games and updating them a bit for a rerelease goes, this one has more meaningful changes than others of the time, and that's nice. It's one of the first ones on this compilation that I could see myself really getting addicted to in an arcade IRL.

Reviewed on Nov 14, 2022
