(played as part of ATARI 50)

Tries to make a little mini-space epic out of vector graphics. Following an overblown (for the time) story explanation complete with an in-universe excuse for having extra lives, a blast of bombastic (for the time) musical score, and even a five-second game of BREAKOUT on the loading screen, each gameplay loop consists of a scrolling shooter level, a brief lander segment, and a platforming level where you have to get in and get out of an enemy base. The shooting is passable, the landing is ... about three seconds long, and the platforming is so bad it instantly ruins the entire thing. Possibly the absolute worst controls for running and jumping in anything I have ever played. You get to that part, try it once, and then you're just done giving a shit. Force your way through to the harder difficulty platforming maps and you will know true pain.

It's clear that they were really focused on the look (which is admittedly good) and doing as MUCH as possible, without considering what actually makes a fun and successful video game. Didn't stop to think if they should, etc.

In summary, trying way too hard.

Reviewed on Nov 19, 2022
