Serviceable PS1 shooter whose most notable feature is the ultra-cheesy FMV cutscenes between missions. Movement and especially platforming aren't great, but that's sort of to be expected given that this is a pre-HALO single-stick console FPS. Still though, your dude feels like he's on ice skates, and jumping makes you soar through the air like a paper airplane fired out of a rail gun. Thankfully the level design is usually good enough that it's not too much of a hindrance.

In addition to guns, you get magic powers, but they suck, and they especially suck when the level is designed to withhold traditional guns and ammo to force you to use them instead. The enemies are varied, but dull, and some are unforgivably spongey.

Middling. Inessential. Sorry, Insomniac.

Reviewed on Apr 07, 2023
