Swings for the fences with a big, epic, adventure movie feel and mostly connects. Only falters at the very end with a weak final boss that comes across as kind of silly, but that's a relatively minor quibble when the rest of the game is so confident and consistent, tone-wise.

The gameplay doesn't suffer for the cinematic ambitions, either. It's as fully fleshed out as you could ask for with tons of optional character growth, branching paths, secret areas, fun puzzles, satisfying combat, etc. The only iffy part is the platforming (with that one exceptionally dumb area at the end fully living up to its reputation), but most of that is on the sometimes-clumsy camera.

Back in the day I wrote this game off as being beneath me (lol) because of all the gore and the tits and the grimdark tone and whatever. And while I wasn't wrong -- it is juvenile! -- I was wrong about that being a problem in and of itself. Sometimes it's okay for things to be dumb! As long as they're dumb fun.

Reviewed on Feb 14, 2021
