An excellent bit of sci-fi writing with enough gameplay chunkiness to be engaging for people who need a bit of that anchor (like myself). Starts off precious but quickly Gets Real, and then takes a deft hand with pretty much everything it brings up throughout the playthrough, not the least of which is the thorniness of colonization as a concept regardless of whether there is a native people to bulldoze or not. Despite outward appearances, this is not some cozy hangout game, and there are moments of real violence and struggle that were a pleasant surprise. The game bits are easy but engaging enough to string you along with a bit of strategy and numbers going up, and metaphorically tie into the conceit of the game nicely. Was also very impressed with how multiple playthroughs are contextualized, though admittedly being sent back to the beginning with my little baby deck was deflationary enough for me to not go for it - would be nice to try one day though.

Reviewed on May 20, 2024
