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DMDMDM reviewed Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown
A completely fine metroidvania that will mostly make you hope Silksong comes out soon. But it's is ancient Persian anime, so gotta give it that

Very weird that there's so little mechanical usage of time control; there are only two time powers, and they are rarely used. The best part of the game is easily the Sacred Archives' puzzles that use multiple versions of yourself, but they're surprisingly short, with only one optional puzzle available later.

Instead it seems like the game wants to distinguish itself as the mv with deep combat, but like, it never actually does that either. Normal enemies are best handled by just button mashing and dodging, and the later bosses are basically immune to the whole combat system, including parrying.

All of this is made worse by the lack of endgame challenges. The optional tasks are: 1 mildly difficult platforming challenge and a map wide puzzle/treasure hunt. No Path of Pain style platforming dungeon, no arena, no boss rush or even optional bosses. It's crazy that they created 7 anime warriors, and you only get to fight 3.

To that point, it's clear that big chunks of planned content were cut late in dev. In the final cutscene, Sargon lists all the Immortals that died, and includes a character who is straight up not in the game after the tutorial. The extremely weird twist about Sargon being switched at birth is hidden in two optional late game quests, and is never mentioned by any character. Overall, a junk food game that fails to live up to its promises.

Also, huh-sterical that the final boss goes super saiyan, but his beard doesn't change color, so it looks like he's wearing a goku wig

edit: I didn't think this needed to be said, but I'm seeing too many people praise the unlockable abilities. What? The non-situational abilities are: ranged attack, air dash, double jump, grappling hook. That's called the platformer starter pack. No idea what you people are talking about.

1 day ago

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