[COMPLETED 6/21/23]

i bought this game on PS5 solely out of obligation of the fact i just got a PS5, and it did not disappoint to be honest

i was sort of afraid of buying it because of the main criticism i've heard regarded its length, but i'm satisfied with the, like, $20 i dropped on this. decent length, annoying puzzles but miles' venom makes combat even more fun than the first game. i think sometimes the devs forgot that players want to play as spiderman and not collect meaningless trinkets or walk around in the guise of a normal dude doing normal shit in what should just be a cutscene

story was weaker than the first; villain sucked ass but it's whatever. i liked the ending, not as heavy hitting as the first, but nevertheless a great experience

there's not much i can say about this game that i can't say about the first; both are great experiences with some downsides, especially regarding repetitiveness. this game def could've just been DLC if they removed some of the padding but i ain't complainin', shit was fun. i love spider man!

i'll stamp it with a good 7.8/10

Reviewed on Jun 21, 2023
