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"It's Dangerous to Go Alone. Take this!"

The Legend of Zelda's influence on the American games market in particular was something I wish I could have beheld, simply because I think that if I played it back in its prime, I would have loved it as much as any other kid from the eighties did. Alas, a game that's as cryptic and at times bizzare as this does not really hold up relatively speaking. The Legend of Zelda faces an uphill battle for the average modern video game player, and this isn't me trying to dunk on the casuals. Far from it. Quite simply the game is too archaic that even if you think you can accept its age and what that could entail, you truly cannot grasp the absurdity that The Legend of Zelda will make you go through to progress through its arduous quest. If you are willing to brave the "Hyrule Fantasy" and can stomach its manys traps and failings, then by all means, enjoy. It is a cornerstone piece of the video game industry, just not one that I think can be truly accessible to everyone these days.