I played this game for too long, honestly I think I genuinely saw the decline of the first real online team based game I played, more and more less skillful characters kept getting added, stronger and stronger options, then for three years it stagnated while blizzard worked on overwatch 2 and that ended up being a bust, this game was once fun but after everything it seems so much more better than its "sequel"

I've played this game off and on for years after the first time I completing it, I really love the fallout series but fallout 4 leaves me with a bit of a hole in my stomach, the story ultimately forces you to be the good guy and the factions are very very barebones at best, the best things are probably the guns, character building, and settlement building element, but other than that its a very stale rpg

I loved becoming an eldritch horror monster beyond human comprehension and tricking enemy characters into being sustenance for my end goal of escaping a facility. No Walls can hold me.