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I remember first entering Skellige and the zone theme kicking in and wanting to weep because i was witnessing pure art, a culmination between programmer and artists and directors and suits and all this harnessed and displayed to my eyeballs through electrical currents moving through wires and just.

Videogames man.

3 is a perfect capstone for the story CDPR wished to tell, its brilliant more than its banal and the vfx are absolutely stunning.

If you had to fill time for several weeks and had only ONE game to buy and play, i'd probably recommend w3.

That said i find the narrative, whilst inspired and interesting, a bit anaemic and underwhelming ultimately. I forget his name. You know the big nobhead. Big King Dickhead of the Wild Hunt- he's a bit wet isnt he. Doesnt really amount to much. I'm of the mind every good hero needs an equal or better villain and Geralts biggest rival isnt this failson, so ending the series (ending the series i say, like they arent planning to revisit it within the next few years) with him kind of blows.

I love the midgame and the hidden affinity system with Ciri, and how if you try to play the game like a gamer and not like a father, you push her into the bad route. When you, and Geralt, learn to appreciate and accept Ciri and honor her agency is when she is able to shift into the role she wants and accepts. Peak.

The DLC i want to take a moment to shoutout for not only being engaging but imo necessary to the whole experience. Geralts at his best in a monster of the week format tackling short to medium length cases and HoS and B+W both offer this in spades.

I prefer 2 to 3 for the story, but 3 is a better game, better to click buttons in, better mechanically, and is an absolute must play for anyone.