A relaxing God simulator I wish it could be expanded upon some more. A simple giant acting as god to help amongst the tribal people in need. I played this game a bit faster than I should but I sadly do not have to proper attention span needed to take my time and play perfectly.

You either help or terrorize the people to worship and build monuments in your honor. The whole point is to avoid doing so much in one day because you'll eventually get too big to even help out the villages. I did what I can to get as much love as I could possibly get but MAN, just the littlest things can really switch up a person's attitude. Natural disasters are devastatingly brutal and some people just stand a little too close for comfort. Even trying to deliver a flower from across the island just in time before they finish building a statue leads to a slight minor inconvenience. It's a difficult task of trying to maintain size and accessibility. This game often reminds you that you can't fix everything, you can't constantly have people rely on you. I obviously didn't take that advice and tried to maintain 8 different towns spread far apart, drastically increasing my size whenever I do good or bad

If I took my time and probably focused on one village a day, or even build a remote island for Doshin to get some midday naps in, I probably would've gotten more "Love" monuments than "Hate" monuments. It was funny as hell as I was walking in on a village telling my friends on call "Nah, they love me" and immediately seeing a stature of a nail piercing my body being built LMAO.

I know Doshin will never see the light of day again but I can see the possibilities on what a "modern" Doshin game might possibly look like

Honestly a very interesting racing game. The CPU was tough as cheeks. kinda want to play this with friends one day.

A momentum based platformer with racing elements. Being able to grab opponents and fling them off the map is fucked up but fun in a way

I never saw anything related to Petscop and I find it really cool on how it's a very well made playable recreation from the videos. But It doesn't exactly work as a stand alone game. I couldn't bear to finish it due to long wait times in order to progress and was easily lost in several parts. The in game wait issue can be resolved using the skip command in the console using 1.1.1 but I already made a hefty amount of progress in 1.2 and really didn't want to clear and start all over again after making it to the house.