7 reviews liked by DanR

Ik it’s in beta but like, got boring after 2 hours. I never got the chance to blow up a pal with a gun.

This has big “robot chicken skit” energy

Let Nintendo's lawyers smite them for the crime of making us have to pretend to care about this dookie dog shit. Will people even care about this game enough to read this review several days from now? Who knows.

I still remember playing this on my GameBoy Advanced SP. We bought it at a garage sale and the cartridge was broken, which meant your save would get deleted every now and then. But I played and loved anyway. This is what originally got me into gaming and I'll never forget it.

Easily one of the best Pokemon games. The minigames, the artstyle, the music, your pokemon following you. Perfection of the formula. I still remember talking with my buddy about it, who got himself Silver Soul. Maybe it's the nostalgia, but this is by far my favourite.