I wish there was more!

This is such a cute little game to play! It's beautifully designed, the gameplay is easy enough to follow along with, and the story is really well thought out and made me so emotional! It's a fairly short game, even for completionists.

Regardless of play time, Growbot is definitely a game worth playing, with cute characters, beautiful design and a great story, intertwined with engaging puzzles and interactive musical elements.

I received am copy of this game for free from the developers

I loved this game so much! I'm fairly new to platformers, so I was expecting to struggle a LOT, but I had so much fun, even when I was struggling! The story made me cry many times, and I think it's a perfect mix of storytelling and play, and has great parallels to real life situations that people may be struggling with.

Long story short, this game is beautifully written, and is so much fun to play. Definitely give it a go if you can!