I was quite disappointed, unfortunately.

There's a notable lack of content beyond the short campaign, but despite that, I was no less frustrated by the lack of a level selection menu, so if you missed any collectibles on your way through, you have to start all over again. Then again, Steam seems to have no achievements for this game, so I decided to not even bother. Another problem is searching every nook and cranny for collectibles just diminishes the fast-paced "freerunning parkour simulator" aspect of the game. Just not very friendly towards completionists.

The game is clearly built around avoiding combat, but there are so many instances where fighting bad guys is necessary to progress, so good luck on any "pacifist" playthrough.

The mechanics are great and the parkour is fun. The visuals are brilliant, the art style is exemplary, and the music is exceptional. There are some fun 2D animated cutscenes conveying the story, but they feel just a teensy bit cheap and the characters are nothing special.

I'm eager to get onto Catalyst.