Log Status






Time Played

8h 13m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

April 16, 2024

First played

April 12, 2024

Platforms Played


Crazy Taxi meet Mario 64 in a time sensitive collectathon dedicated to a pet rabbit. Yellow Taxi Goes Vroom is a love letter to the 64 era and is packed to brim with content and challenges for the completionist out there.

The game does little to tutorialize its mechanics but rather spits out a hint here and there for a new way to move. You are progressively introduced to new words and locations that are generally hidden away or locked behind future progress. There is something particularly charming about the locations and characters that inhabit them, from spooky mansions to dog poo island it just looks so cute in the retro art style. Speaking of retro, the soundtrack is great and really emphasises the whimsical nature of the game while not being annoying or overbearing.
Gameplay wise you will spend most of your time collecting money, platforming for hidden cogs or delivering people to locations for an additional time boost. This gameplay loop is generally very fun and can create tension in worlds where time is more limited or constrained. Platforming or jump puzzles are where Yellow Taxi Goes Vroom shines as the world is designed with ramping up every angle in mind. However, I did struggle a little with keeping currency to buy more cosmetic hats as when you die or run out of time you will be penalized by losing some coins. This then fed into a loop of me getting quite broke sometimes due to a challenging jump I was adamant on beating. As for Boss fights there are a handful through the game that were generally quiet fun with exception to one very frustrating game of cat and mouse Boss.

Ultimately, Yellow Taxi Goes Vroom is a great example of indie game development keeping ideas fresh and interesting. Although I personally wasn’t completely hooked by the gameplay loop, I would still highly recommend to anyone interested.