7 reviews liked by Darianias

I ought to leave at least one genuine review on this account, what better game than Pokemon Smile? I downloaded it expecting an app encouraging me to brush my teeth and got just that. I can't complain, it definitely makes brushing fun! Would recommend it to those struggling with self care as it gives an entertaining incentive to keep up with your brushing- it was a bizarre tool that worked for me personally. Happy brushing!

Purely Nostalgia, One of my favorite Mario party games

This game has no right to be this good considering its a licensed game of Hamtaro of all things. But it is and I am here for it.

A very funny cute and charming game definitely worth playing if you want an relaxing time, or just really like hamsters.

Fuck you Wailord you fat sack of shit you were the ONLY one who didn't want o be my friend.

Arguably the best Dragon Age game while being nothing like the other two, just more consistent.

Big man walks into the ceo of racism's headquarters and kills him