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Time Played

4h 0m

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Kane and Lynch 2™: Dog Days is an experience that stays with you for a while... kinda like an ingrown tumor or STD.

This piece of electronic software is a total assault on all of your senses. So much so, that I'm surprised the developers weren't charged for war crimes. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if the CIA used this software to torture prisoners at Guantanamo Bay. Whoever made this game must also have a deep-seated hatred towards people with epilepsy given all the random flashes that pollute the screen during both gameplay and cutscenes.

The presentation of this game can only be described as a complete audiovisual diarrhea. Excessive bloom, pixelated graphics, excessive use of shaky cam and worst offense of all - grayish brown levels that were oh-so common during the PS3/360 generation.

The greatest defenders of this game praise its art-style for being "unique" and sure... It can certainly be described as "unique", same way as taking a dump into your bowl of cereal could be a considered as an eccentric idea for a meal.

The audio mixing is terrible, particularly in one of the later stages of the game that involves a turret section while flying a chopper. I literally had to turn down the volume on my headphones by 60% just so I wouldn't completely lose my hearing.

Gameplay mechanics-wise this might be the saddest excuse of a third-person shooter ever released by a AAA publisher. Simplistic doesn’t even begin to describe it. You’re limited to 2 weapons at a time, a bare-bones cover system that hardly functions and an ability to take on human shields. That’s it. No interesting twists on the TPS genre, no unique gameplay features or mechanics, nothing. Calling both the AI and level design “basic” is also being kind.

Instead of giving weapons any sort of recoil, the developers instead opted for the most nonsensical bullet spread module in video game history. The guns will randomly miss. Nothing you can do about it since it’s artificially baked into the code. None of the guns feel good, much less satisfying to use. Hitting enemies feels about as gratifying as going to a 5-star restaurant in an exotic country only to order a bottle of water and leave.

The story feels like it was written by an edgy teenager who’s seen far too many gruesome Liveleak videos. The editing and camera work during cutscenes are migraine inducing. Characters are unlikeable and not in a clever way that would serve the narrative in any shape or form.

The greatest quality of Kane and Lynch 2 is its brevity. The game can be finished in less than 4 hours which would normally be counted as a negative, but in this case it was a blessing in disguise.

Quite frankly, I’m not entirely sure if the game was worth the 0,99 EUR I paid for it but the abrupt ending with cut to credits playing a mellow Chinese pop-song gave me the greatest laughter of my life.