Danganronpa V3 was a tough game to finish.

I started playing after watching the anime, and I liked what I saw. The story was interesting, the characters were as fun as ever, and the music was energetic and catchy. However, I put the game down after a while because I burnt myself out on the series.

I picked it up recently, and I'm happy to say that V3 may just be my favorite game of the series. I grew attached to the cast and was surprised by all the twists that the game kept throwing at me. I even liked the ending, despite being hard to follow at times. V3 is like a rollercoaster. It's an exciting ride from start to finish, despite messing with your head.

Sadly, some things keep this game from being perfect. The Monokubs are annoying and disrupt the flow of the story. They'll chime in and make some stupid jokes that halt the story. I know Monokuma (and the students) did that in previous games, but the difference there is that Monokuma was fun to watch. These little shitstains were not.

I'm also not a fan of how lengthy the trials were. I still enjoyed them a lot (in fact, some of these trials are my all-time favorites), but MAN do they drag. They follow the same pattern of examining evidence, arguing, occasionally lying, and having characters make jokes before discovering the culprit. Past games did this before (and in similar fashions), but V3 made it more noticeable and stretched it out quite a bit.

Danganronpa V3 may not be to everyone's liking, but I had a ton of fun with it. Even with the issues I previously mentioned, they weren't enough to drag down the experience for me. If you're a Danganronpa fan who somehow hasn't played this game, I implore you to play this game. You may not like everything, and some choices may piss you off, but it's worth it in the end.


Yeah, this game's not for me. I appreciate the lighter tone when compared to the first game, but Watch Dogs 2 didn't convince me enough to keep playing.

Aside from a couple of missions, most of them didn't stand out. I'm tired of how Ubisoft handles their open-world games. They add so many things to do, but none of those activities felt fun or rewarding. I can't recall how many missions I had to do that was just hacking into buildings and stealing information. I know hacking's the point of this game, but my god did it get old quick.

That's not to say everything was bland. I liked driving around the streets of San Francisco and seeing the city come to life. Dare I say it's one of the best open-worlds I've seen as of recently. I also liked taking down guards with non-lethal weapons. It adds a lot of variety to combat and gives you more to do with your arsenal.

But at the end of the day, I just couldn't get into it. If you don't mind the mission design or if you're just curious about it, then I would suggest picking this game up. Who knows, you might find some value in it, and with its frequent discounts, you're getting a good deal.


(Let's review it this time)

This game is pretty neat. It's a cute, colorful visual novel game on the surface. But the more you keep playing, the more disturbing the game starts to get. It's not bad for a free game, but it does lose a lot of charm if you already know about it. Seriously, don't look anything up and just play it for yourself. You'll find out why.

Also, don't expect to get anything else out of it. It's a one and done deal.

Animal Crossing: New Horizons is the perfect example of a game where you kick back and relax.

Growing your island is what makes this game so addicting. You start on a small island with tents and from there, create houses and new businesses. It feels rewarding to see your island transform and decorated the way you like.

My only issue comes from terraforming my island. No matter what I do, it seems like objects like bridges, inclines, and shops will never be centered correctly. I wish I could move them more efficiently instead of having the game decide that for me.