This game has great gameplay mechanics, power ups, charming level design, and so much more. Easily the best 2D Mario games ever made. My only complaint is the lack of boss diversity. I still can't believe I just streamed this game for 17 hours until I got 100% completion on the day it released.

Not the best Jackbox but a fine addition to the collection. Hypnotorious is my fav new game.

I think this game captures my exact opinion on Sonic as a franchise. Had potential and occasionally has good ideas but is just alright in execution. Not bad, just not super noteworthy relative to how popular they are.

This is one of those games where you can tell the devs put a lot of effort into it but gosh why is it so unnecessarily hard? Not in an actually fun learning to get better kind of way. Just in a feels downright unfair kind of way.

Not that the rating is for the game as a whole (you can find my base game review here: but this written segment will be for the bonus content.

The DQ3 costumes are nice extras although a part of me feels like they could've just been secret in game unlockables rather than paid DLC. Being able to play as Hyunkel wearing Psaro's armor is, however, absolutely worth the extra $5 for me. That costume is so raw.

Fun combat and a relaxing time for me as a huge Dai anime fan but it really should've covered the entire anime, had more playable characters like Crocodine, and had more real cutscenes instead of anime stills.

YouTube let's play:

Surprisingly fun but needs more maps, characters, and the ability to actually unlock meaningful rewards at a moderate pace instead of grinding just for a small chance at gacha. Maybe add some more mechanics but the combat does have really solid foundation.

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The gameplay is a bit underwhelming but Golden Experience Requiem and Husk Act 4 getting ABSOLUTELY OBLITERATED was so raw that I just can not bring myself to rate this any lower. I love how the storyline mixes concepts from different parts together like Dio as the main antagonist but enhanced by something mentioned in part 6 and looking for objects from part 7. It really is a nice fan service game to the entire franchise from 1-7. 8 is uhhh kinda just there I feel like but it was still being written when this came out so I can overlook it easily. If only the gameplay lived up to some of the hype fight concepts.

Definitely the best chapter. There's more monsters, locations, animations, and more that makes it feel like a truly complete game compared to its predecessors. The story also fittingly reaches its climax.

Better than the first game in terms of amount of fighters and amount of content. It's a good enough fighting game for the era it released in but definitely shows its age in simplicity.

I saw the movie adaptation before and like how it adds more depth to this storyline (albeit still quite straightforward). In truth I definitely enjoyed the movies over the games thus far.

The world design is a big step up from SWSH's DLC. New legendaries and clothes are neat. Story, characters, and otherwise worked but I hope the second part of the DLC has more to offer for the price tag.

I already played this more than Pacman 99. It's pretty fun despite being difficult to win. This might not be the way many wanted F-Zero to return but I'm happy with it.

I was hoping this would be the FF7 remake I was looking for in terms of being more faithful to the original but that's not really the case. That's not the reason this rating is low tho. This being a mobile game with monthly story releases and typical unfavorable mobile game features really holds it down.

Surprisingly aged well for a super old fighting game. Probably cause of how simplistic it is.

Descent little puzzle game that is quite similar to a lot of others.