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Time Played

90h 0m

Days in Journal

49 days

Last played

March 31, 2024

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


- 90 hours played
- Weapon of choice - Light bow Gun

YouTube tells me that I can’t prefer this game to World. YouTube also tells me that comparing them is unfair due to the Switch’s limitations. Limitations be damned. I loved this game. Also since World is the only other game I have played in the series, that’s my point of comparison.

I recently completed base World and whilst I enjoyed it, I found its sluggish combat and immersive elements frustrating. Rise doesn’t suffer that at all because it’s made for handheld consoles. Its gameplay is designed around pick up and play short bursts. This game wastes no time and I appreciated that.

The combat is fast, flashy and always frantic. The wire bug enables fantastic levels of traversal. I was flipping around these arenas bullying the monsters. It felt amazing. The monsters can’t really compete with your mobility and couple that with some Insane damage output and Rise can be a very easy game. But it’s still enjoyable and its gameplay loop is maddeningly addictive.

I much preferred the hunt quests in this game. Gone are the immersive elements of looking for tracks and scratch marks to find the monster. The maps are already scouted by Cahoot, your pet owl so the monsters show up on the map at the start of the quest. The Palamute dog mounts act like horses, making traversal faster and getting to the action quicker. The quality of life changes make picking up bone piles and mining spots much faster, one click of the button picks up everything from the spot. Instead of three separate presses of the button in World. They also added a pause function in this game which I really missed in MH World.

Despite the graphical limitations of the Switch I much preferred this games art style. I felt it had more character. There was no issues with visual clarity and reading what was on screen and I loved the monster designs. Especially the little monster symbols drawn on the quest board.

The monster roster felt more unique as there seemed to be more types of monsters other than Wyverns. Quest wise there’s not much variety. We get Hunt, capture and rampage quests. Hunt and capture are self explanatory but Rampage is something new. It’s a horde mode style of mission and to be honest, these were awful. I only played those required for story progression and then forgot about them entirely. I also wasn’t a fan of the Spiribird system. Collecting Spiribirds every hunt to increase my max health and stamina got boring fast, therefore I never completed a hunt with a full health or stamina gauge. Outside of the missions where a Max Spiribird is supplied right at the start.

Overall I loved my time with Monster Hunter Rise but there’s a decent chunk of the game I just don’t care for. The inclusion of the Rampage missions is the only thing holding this game back from 5 stars.

Top 5 Monster Designs
1. Magnamalo
2. Anjanath
3. Mizutsune
4. Rakna-Kadaki
5. Khezu

Top 5 favourite monster fights
1. Magnamalo
2. Mizutsune
3. Anjanath
4. Rathalos
5. Rajang

Top 5 least favourite monster fights
1. Jyuratodus
2. Nargacuga
3. Barroth
4. Basarious
5. Tigrex