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Time Played

0h 22m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

November 15, 2023

Platforms Played


The biggest problem I had with the ‘’Where’s Wally’’ books, aside from the fact that I sucked complete ass at them, is of course that it was just a boring buy with a kinda cool hat instead of a cat, so seeing my complaint being addressed makes me extremely pleased… also one of the cats here is named Gaston and I just couldn’t do anything but giggle a bit.

I’ve always loved the ‘’find x thing amongst a clustterfuck of an image’’ type of puzzles, it’s such a simple yet sound idea that I’ve always tried to get into it despite of my own impatience. I’ve tried a couple of games that tackled the concept, the first that comes to mind beingHidden Folks, and while they aren’t bad by any stretch of the imagination, I just cannot evade the feeling of borderline anguish after trying to find one guy for like 30 minutes; and this is completely a me thing, something that just happens to be a bit of a problem and gets in the way in my long-term enjoyment of this type of game, which is a shame considering that, again, so many are so wonderfully done.

I was a bit scared that the same thing would happen with Cats Hidden in Paris despite clearly being a smaller, shorter game, but hey, considering how expansive the Hidden-Feline-like genre has ended up being, I at least wanted to try this free little monochromatic search, and honestly, glad I did! While it’s very much just a static image, with only the music and sounds of meowing and when clicking other things being the ones that fill this black and white version of the French city that shall not be named, but honestly, it’s not like it needs a ton more. Finding 100 cats, each with an unique name, is a damn entertaining, relaxing way to pass the time, it doesn’t have much, but it’s not like it needs it: it’s pleasing, it’s short, it’s funny and creative with how it blends the cats with the structure of the city, and has a really cool hint system that points you to the general locations in which the missing cats are hidden, which it’s a really cool way to prevent getting stressed when there are two of the cute motherfuckers missing while also retaining some of the challenge. It isn’t much, but it doesn’t need to be much: a fun time spender that costs nothing and gives a burst of enjoyment I was really craving to feel from this type of game again, and honestly, it makes me kind of tempted to play the DLC and rest of the series.

Now, if you excuse me, I’m gonna think about the funny cats again… hehe, Gaston…