ChocuPixel 2022

Log Status






Time Played

0h 32m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

November 24, 2023

Platforms Played


What is a Chocu? Good question, my fellows, and well; Chocu is life, Chocu is hope, Chocu is the light in times of death and desolation, Chocu is a friend, and as with every other friend, you don't question them about the children he uses to mine cereal.

I originally planned on writing this review in spanish since Chocu as a concept is something that will mostly only ring a bell to Spaniard twitter users (and also just to keep the funny and absurdity going), but why must be Chocu, Doctor, Hipo Juan and their glorious fantastic excellent incredible fantastic unbelievable magnificent adventures be relegated to be known by only a select few? EVERYONE deserves to share my suffering know about these funny little absolutely not stolen cereal mascots and their whacky misadventures!

ChocuPixel is the follow up to the absolute industry changer commonly known as ChocuJuego, and right from the get go there are some clear differences and changes brought by the new installment, like the fact that the graphics aren’t an amalgam of stock and stolen images (which includes the likes of photos of former Spanish presidents and popular mascots from food products) or that this one control acceptably, which believe it or not, is a major step up from last time, tho that depends if you are a coward or not.ChocuPixel is a pretty standard platformer, pretty brief, simple, and nothing too special, but that’s ignoring the fact that you can buy a Kirby hat called ‘’La Creatura’’ so you know, not everything has to be a masterpiece for many in depth reasons.

The original ‘’Chocu’’ account is what you would get if a piano fell at full speed on top of a community manager for a known company and they still let them manage the twitter account without giving any kind of medical assistance, and the original ChocuJuego is the equivalent of a small group of people trying to make in one day the shittiest most stupid thing imaginable only for then to put the hard drive it was on in a blender and then trying to salvage was in there while actively trying to make it even more shit; that crappiness, that condensed shit, that defiance in taking very much copyrighted characters from the 2010’s and doing whatever the fuck you want with them, that absurdity, that it’s what I and many others find utterly hilarious about ‘’Chocu’’, the fact that it actively tries to be as poorly done and crude as possible with never being offensive, that it’s what gives me life, that’s what made ChocuJuego so utterly unbelievable as a thing that existed, and that’s what makes ChocuPixel special. The sense of humor and style, the dumb as fuck jokes that shouldn’t be that funny but they just are, that’s what makes going through this remarkable, specially if you are with a friend and can laugh at the sheer stupidity together.

Other than that… is a platformer alright! It has very competent design, some neat ideas and collectables, and it is a unironically fun little while from a gameplay standpoint, all with a completely original and good looking pixel art. But… that’s it, it’s competent, it isn’t fantastic, nor is it utterly heinous, rebellious or bad as ChocuJuego was… and as deranged this may sound, this makes ChocuPixel feel lesser in comparison. It lacks the personality, the man-made sloppiness, the being non-sensical at every single second possible, and by that, it loses a bit what makes Chocu, well, Chocu. It has being almost 5 fucking years since I last played the previous game and I still vividly remember, this however, I’ll remember some of the dialogue, but I’ll probably forget about in a couple of months, even weeks. ChocuPixel is competent, but ChocuJuego was at least unforgettable.

Most of this is probably gibberish to you, and when I play ChocuJuego again is not gonna get much better, but what I’m trying to say is not that the fact the previous entry being bad made it better, is the fact it WANTED to be bad while still managing to be hilarious and incredible what made it so stupidly special. ChocuPixel is also stupid and special, and it made me smile and laugh non-stop, but it feels as if it stops itself from fully being what it is; a dumb parody that isn’t scared of being stupid, and the result of it it’s that it is indeed funny, but that’s pretty much all it is. Not deranged, not crazy, just a little bit funny, but Chocu is more than just that.

And I know what you are thinking: ‘’Did you just spend 800 words talking about a game that comes from a parody Twitter account that is as profound as a wet tissue and probably doesn’t deserve this much of a deep look into it?’’, and to that I can only say…