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Time Played

0h 40m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

March 5, 2023

Platforms Played


I think I literally cannot cover this experience with all of the respect and nuances it deserves. Is less of a game and more of a retellling of the horrors a transgender woman had to go through. Is utterly devastating, and I found it very hard to even give it a star puntiation, 'cause this is not an experience I can quantify in the slightiest.

Sometimes I'm blind to the terrible experiences that other people had to suffer and continue to suffer, and its works like this, so beoutiful yet so painful, that open my eyes in a lot of ways.

''There was no dramatic music, nothing changed. I felt the exact way as I fel before.''

But in my parcial blindness, one thing I do understand is trauma, a feeling that eats from the inside out, a silent pain that makes you belive that there's no hope, but there is, and it's neccesary to make pain not silent, to make it heared to our loved ones... sometimes this can make them push them away, neglect us because of our hardships that we had no control over, but a lot will stay by our side, and we must do this to move forward, 'cause we have to live life, because it's worth living. There we will not be music as we all live this, no dramatic tracks, just a sensation of empiteness slowly feeling in, sometimes it will empty a little again, but in the end, it will heal.

I may have no say in this matter at all in the first place, since I'm not trans nor a sex worker and by that this horrible experience will never hit me as hard as someone that had the misfortune to live it, but I still do understand the pain, I understand the feeling of moving on.

I'm glad the creator did this. I'm glad that this little 30 minute retelling exists only as a way for her to cope. I hope she is ok.