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May 16, 2023

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Y'know, I originally wanted to keep the gag going and this time do a review in 10 seconds, but then I realized I value my sanity, so let's just pretend that I grabbed a ton of coins and have more time, ok? Nice.

Anyway, Minit Fun Racer surprised me in the best way possible! I liked the original Minit, but seeing its duration and premise, I imagined this being just a small little experience that doesn't do anything interesting; something cute, but nothing more. And don't get me wrong, it wasn't the most impressive thing ever, but it was better than I had anticipated, and i was once again reminded me of the futility of time and thatI'M GONNA BE LATE FOR MA DATE.

Whereas Minit put a spin in the classic 2D Zelda formula, Minit Fun Racer is more focused on giving a new arcade-like experience rather than subverting an already existing idea. The time limit is once again the main focus of the game, but the new style of gameplay, plus the time itself going from 60 to a merely 10 seconds, changes the time limit from a mechanic to learn from and overcome via discovering new paths and tools to a way to revolve the game around failure, making you progress and buy items only when you die, and one that becomes the main obstacle to beat.

In some respects, it reminded of a mobile game; the good type of mobile game, something to pick up and play from time to time, and in this case to pick up and finish, since it's extremely brief and its true length lays on wanting to complete it to 100%, and even considering that I don’t imagine it being longer than one or two hours. But even in that briefness, it absolutely sells you in that idea of progression, the dopamine rush that gives you getting a new item that poses a big difference in the way you play, and even if it only takes a little over 20 minutes, the feeling of pure joy once you finally reach the end (especially when there’s only one second remaining on the clock).

Again, it still has it’s flaws: even if the visual style is once again charming and full of references to the previous game, it’s hard to appreciate it when MY EYES HURT SO BAD. Maybe this is a me thing so take it with a pinch of salt, but the game this way auto-scrolls was a pain to the sight, even when deactivating the smooth scroll (tho it made things better), and made backgrounds just impossible to appreciate or sometimes even distinguish some obstacles. Again, this might be something that only bothers me, so take it more as more of a personal complain than a flaw. However, things like some poor collisions, the level sometimes putting obstacles just before ramps and a pretty short variety of areas are things I can’t pass off as personal gripes. The games is far from amazing… but still I really enjoyed it.

It's a short experience that all the profit it generates goes directly to charity, and a game that managed to be good while also doing a great cause deserves all of my outmost respect. And you sometimes you just need that y’know? A flawed but good game to pass the time, a game that’s fun as it is original, not ground-breaking, but still good.

It also has a horse mode, which add like half a star on its own right. More games need a horse mode.