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Time Played

0h 12m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

April 1, 2023

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Library Ownership


I sat there listening to André, and every time it was my time to say something, for a moment I was left wondering...

What the hell did even ''Bon Mot'' mean

To be honest, I've never seen My dinner with André, and to be even more honest, for the longest time I didn't even know it was a film in the first place! But what I did see was the Simpson's gag about it, I watched it as a kid, found it pretty funny, and that was it. So when I discovered that someone decided to make based nor about the movie, but instead about the 10 second Simpson’s gag, I felt perplexed, confused, and extremely curious.

Before I started playing, I expected it to be what a premise like this could only seem to be for most: a stretched out joke made playable, and after the novelty wore off, it would just be an endearing but not that interesting joke game... yet here I stand, proven utterly wrong, and man I'm so fucking glad that's the case.

My Dinner with André takes the basic premise of the gag: two men having dinner together made playable, at is core a completely absurd idea, but it takes it upon itself to fully integrate it into the videogame medium, and the result is two men having dinner, talking about the videogame industry. The hardships of indie development, the horrendous state of the AAA industry and the impossibility of making art through it, and the absolute despicable acts that take place behind the walls of the companies, and how its leaders create an horrendous workplace for female workers... and yet, it never stops being pleasant reading what these two old friends that haven't met in a while have to say.

The conversation between Wally and André sometimes feels like a person's internal monologue, debating with itself certain aspects of the world in which they work, and if it's worth to keep going, to aspire to create art if it isn't making any profit... but the fact it ends in such a positive note is so inspiring and, again, pleasant.

Sometimes we need to just be reminded that with even the world burning around us, or at least a portion of it, something good can flourish, like hope for the future, or maybe a new opportunity that makes the momentary sadness worth keep going. All of this from a chat with an old buddy.

Dammit, now I want to watch the original movie.