Log Status






Time Played

3h 20m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

March 21, 2023

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


...I mean... it sure is Peggle!

Last year I played Peggle Deluxe and it was a fun time, and Peggle Nights is more of that. I don't know how this series does it, but it awakens a primal feeling on people that play it that results in sheer excitement when something crazy happens, mostly by pure luck (at least in my case).

The only notable difference is that for me some levels were kind of a slog and not really that satisfiying to beat or do crazy stuff in them, but it also has far more interesting thematics with the whole idea of it happening in the dreams of the master from the previous game and a whole new Peggle master with a cool power, so it's an one step back and one step forward situation.

But yeah, it's still fun, I don't know how they could have done it wrong (tho for what I've heard Dual Shot is not very good) but that doesn't make a less fun time spender.

Also Warren Rabbit is the best Peggle master and that is NOT up for debate, thank you very much.