When my high-school math teachers said that when I grew up I would use what I learnt in their classes daily, I laughed, and now... I still laugh 'cause this are the simplest multiplications ever, yet another day without using the quadratic equations babyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!

The spare time between uni classes has really gotten me into a little bit of web browser puzzle craze, it all started simple, with me thinking ''Hey, what's a better way to kill time than to boot up short games of Tetris?'', and it begun as only that, but my destiny was already sealed, and it didn't take long before I started to browse and try more and more games; I was deep down the rabbit hole, and it was only a matter of time before me and 2048 crossed paths, and let me tell ya, this game didn't kill my time, it annihilated it, to an even greater degree than Suika Game which is embarrassing to say considering that, as a game, it really just gives only a bit more of fun than messing around with a calculator.

It's funny how in a way this one has the total opposite problems compared to the aforementioned watermelon hellscape; whereas that game was highly RNG dependent and it didn't feel like strategy could really make a difference, 2048 feels like it can only be played one way and one way only, and even if it may take a while to achieve that solution, once you figure it out, you'll be getting high scores and even winning consistently. It's not just that luck doesn't factor here, it's that it feels as if every different run is the exact same thing, even before realizing the ''correct'' way of playing it. The 2s and 4s meld together and sure, it’s not a game that you can play without paying any attention, but I’d say that should be the bare minimum. You can fuck up, and you can recover from those fuck ups, but there isn’t much excitement in any of this, there isn’t an ‘’Aha!’’ moment that makes you feel that smart, since the solution that you’ll come up with to beat it has been already thought of by basically everyone that has played it.

It's not terrible, in fact it’s pretty competent at what it is: it’s just a time killer that really grabs you until you beat it, and it’s not a bad time at all, I just don’t think it really gave me anything memorable of value aside of that You Win! screen. It’s, and I say this both seriously and with the pun very much intended, extremely by the numbers; there are far more competent little puzzle games that feel far more re-playable and compelling to go back, but you don’t really lose anything by playing it, and it can be entertaining to at least beat its mean objective

Me? I’ve done it, and so I break free of the shackles that bind me and move on to the next challenge… that being more Tetris, of course…

Reviewed on Nov 10, 2023


7 months ago

I recommend Picross if you want a time killer that isn't "more Tetris". Not sure if it'd be your thing but it should be at least more stimulating than 2048.

7 months ago

@Marki I never looked much into those games honestly, but everything I've heard about it is usually pretty positive, so I'll give them a look and see if I play them in the near future. Thanks a bunch for the recommendation! :DDD

7 months ago

If you've got NSO, the SNES app has a solid introductory Mario Picross game. Be warned, it's FAR longer than you think at first.

7 months ago

@thealexmott I completely forgot they added it honestly, in that case I have a really easy way to check if they are my thing or not, thank you for pointing it out! And hey, if I end up enjoying it, then the fact it's really long doesn't seem so bad xD