Only beat DLC1 and the main story as of writing this but I actually loved playing through this game and honestly I wished I didn't. First off, the cons: it looks and runs like crap. This feels like it still needed more time in the oven and still need more fine-tuning. They didn't even level-scale the mons.

Pretty sure there's more stuff I can say but putting those aside I think they do a pretty good job with spreading the levels of the wild mons..I think. Idk i'm pretty sure there were still weird spots but for the most part you can what areas you were and weren't supposed to be. The story is pretty interesting too, might not be the best pokemon story but they did a pretty awesome job I think. The characters are also pretty good and are fleshed out in a way I haven't seen pokemon do in a while.

Overall, while there are some GLARING issues (mostly with performance and bugs), I had a ton of fun with this game though with how undercooked it is I sorta feel guilty enjoying this game as I do.

Still gonna do the postgame and DLC2 though! Also excited for the epilogue!!

I said I liked Oblivion more than this before. I'd take it back...if it weren't for their newest update. I know I should seperate art from the artist but their update left my mods in a scramble and now there's paid mods too (Creation Club is also paid mods sorta but the Anni edition at least compiled them together for a really good price) and it feels like they're trying to cash Skyrim in before they run or something. Bethesda has really disappointed me now and I don't think I'll ever trust them again.

Still need to do Shivering Isles but I've finished the main questline and factions.
I like it slightly better than Skyrim thanks to the wacky and kinda better writing.