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starting this off with min min was fucking weird but whatever. I've noticed a general lack of interest with the 3 first party characters from this and the last pass because they fucking sucked. worst first party inclusions ever man and pyra abd mythra cemented that for me. name me one person who was excited for that and isn't a fan of xenoblade. ok how many fingers do you have up because I'll take a wild guess and say none. I'm getting ahead of myself, after min min we had fucking MIENCRAFT STECVE?? ?? ? HE WAS PLUCKED STERAIGHT FROM HIS DINKY LITTLE GAME AND PUT IN TO THUISONE HIS TEXTURES ARE THE SAME HIS SOUND EFFECTS ARE THE SAME HES THE SAME THING NO STYLE JUST STEVE. also he blinks like in bedrock it's weird and scary. he's cool though he ruined competitive but he's cool. next up was SEPHIROPTYJ of all characetrs. I initially rhoufhr square allowed seph because disney said no to sora (sppilers; not the case) but I was happier with him than I would be sora. he's just so fucking raw. then pyrta myhta blah bkah whatever. then TEKKEN REP WITH KAZUYA. love that guy. the way they translted his moveset is perfecet. I remeber they wanted Heihachi in ssb4 but couldn't figuire out how to make his moveset work. this is exactly how it shoudlve been done it's great. and after him, last but not least. Sora. I don't care