Least Favourite Reviews I've Done

Maybe I'll redo these at some point but probably not because I had nothing interesting to say then and I certainly don't now.


I stand by what I said but I was also trying to pump something out while the game was relevant and effectively rehashed what others were saying.

This is maybe two degrees removed from those Steam reviews with the checklists with shit like: Graphics: So good you forget what reality is ✅

This was originally just the first paragraph but some chud got upset at it so I wrote more and it makes me seem like I actually give a shit about The Witness. I don't really give a shit about The Witness!

Again, I don't give a shit about The Witness. Also I feel the phrasing is weird.

Rehash of other reviews' points and it makes me sound like a Virtua Racing aficionado which I am not.

I don't like the game but also who the hell cares lmao

What I wrote is fine but I don't like this having so many likes.



Borrowing from the game's magazine PDF is kinda cute but it's also nonsensical to anyone who hasn't read it or played the game. Also I transition very poorly into my discussion of SHARECART1000.


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