What a lot of people either fail to realise or refuse to believe is that the best Sonic games are the flawed ones. The games that try to innovate with bold ideas unbecoming of a Sonic game, or any game. We've had 'perfect' Sonic games before like Sonic Mania or Sonic Generations and those games are great but they can't hold a candle to the way-too-serious tone of Sonic Adventure 2, the quaint but pointless Adventure Fields of Sonic Adventure, the audacity to make half the game a slow beat-em-up in Sonic Unleashed. People love Sonic for its ambition, not its accomplishments. People love games for their imperfections the same way they love people despite their flaws. Sonic Team has, for decades now, dared to do things that are new, bold, and weird. Sonic Frontiers is a continuation of that vision, and to reduce it to petty statements of "open world 🤓 sega hire this man 🤓 serious plot in cartoon rat game 🤓 the controls 🤓 but he's slow" is a pitch-perfect demonstration of how Sonic is doomed to fail. Look at your favourite games and try earnestly telling yourself they're flawless.

Credit to smaench for planting this seed in my brain, actual review when I'm done playing it and can let my thoughts digest rather than spewing unfiltered drivel onto your webzone.

Reviewed on Nov 08, 2022


1 year ago

Thanks for transmitting some tasty brainserum on my tenderjimmies, Detchigod

1 year ago

Since this is now the most liked Frontiers review I'd really like to stress my friend came up with the core of this, not me, go follow them https://www.backloggd.com/u/smaench/

1 year ago

Ppl are like "serious plot in a sonic game WeirdChamp" but their favorite sonic game is SA1/SA2.
Tell your friend this is my favourite sonic review

1 year ago

There are only so many ways I can write, "wow, that was a good review."

On that subject,

wow, that was a good review.

1 year ago


1 year ago

"People love games for their imperfections the same way they love people despite their flaws."
These two things don't correlate. You would have to say that people like a game despite its flaws similar to how they like other people despite their flaws, or they like games for their flaws similar to how they like other people for their flaws, the latter of which certainly isn't true. Imperfections make us human, but I'll be damned if I like someone BECAUSE of them and not because of what they have to offer outside of that.

1 year ago

Maybe I could have phrased it more elegantly but I don't really care and the crux of what I'm saying remains the same either way. It should be plainly obvious that I am not suggesting the sole enjoyment of a game comes from its flaws, nor that I'm saying we love people for their flaws. Rather that a large part of our enjoyment of a person's company or the playing of a game comes from imperfection. I love Ape Escape 3 for its bloated transformations that are largely irrelevant the same way I love my mom for using infer and imply incorrectly.

1 year ago

If Raiden Metal Gear Rising can appreciate the little imperfections in a marriage, surely we can, too.

1 year ago

^I love my boyfriend's borderline syndrome, makes us friction on so many things but our understanding of each other constructs and creates rather than destroy the relationship. Pure unhinged chemistry.

1 year ago

Also makes him more "simpleman" in how he approaches media, I bring him "deeper" entrails and understandings while he grounds me with what's fact and probable. We discuss, sometimes defensively, but we end always getting something out of it.

Once again I love this review.

1 year ago

I gve you the 69th like I'm your biggest fan.

1 year ago

How can I like this more than once ???

1 year ago

actually hello charlotte delirium is flawless kamige :rolling_eyes:

1 year ago

100 likes yipee!

10 months ago

So true. I have so many issues with some of my favorite games but the good always outweigh the not so good. Beautifully put.