82 Reviews liked by DetectiveGoose

If you think Dark Souls is bad try this lol

For some reason I keep getting random urges to play this game over and over again

This thing is a fucking mess that doesn't in any way follow the actual rules of the game, but by god I love it

What do you mean your life points aren't restored after each duel.

It’s not really my cup of tea even though I love Fire Emblem. I don’t really like the maps and the monastery is awful. Will give this game another chance in the future

i just dont think i would ever play this again over the original? it doesn't really offer a very different experience it's really just the same thing with a different (worse) flavour


this games story mode is fucking hilarious

the fact that there's unironic defenders of this game proves that we have failed as a society

What a complete waste of a game. This can't even be considered a decent action game, because they somehow managed to get that part wrong. Ok to start things off, yes this isn't a Resident Evil game. I am not going to say that's what makes the game bad because everyone knows that already and has been beat to death. Now apart from this just being a generic Gears of War clone, this has got to be the game with the worst control and movement of a character in an action game during the 2010s. The sprinting seems like you are trying to run with a bike on your side. The menu fucking sucks, it is so unnecessarily stupid for the sake of being different. I have no idea why they thought that it was necessary to do that. Weapon diversity and sandbox is a shell of its former self. It is so devoid of what made Resident Evil 4 and 5's sandbox so fun to explore and experiment with. The gun-laser sight seems off from the sharpness of Resident Evil 4 and 5 but I can't say with certainty if that is a legitimate claim or not. The enemies are bullet sponges and annoying to fight. You would go from 2-man doors to cutscene, walk 20 seconds, 2 man door and repeat. The story is batshit insane and is very hard to follow due to the campaign structure, that is saying something for a Resident Evil game. The side characters are forgettable or so corny that you remember them in the wrong way. Soundtrack is basically non-existent. I can't remember a single track from the game let alone one I enjoyed. This game sucks and I can't find anything that I enjoyed in this game. I can't even enjoy it ironically because the game just sucks the enjoyment out of you and it leaves you mentally drained after every mission. I have never felt as unsatisfied for beating a game as I did with this one.

Oh my god I wish Pagan Min was in a better game so bad

As a game its 'fine', its nothing amazing but the general Ubisoft quicksand box of collectables, side-quests, towers and such all work well. Its fine.

But honestly for such a series that prides itself on explosive combat, gun-ho one man army plots and over the top villains, every part of the story is just flat out miserable from start to finish and its just a slog to actually want to continue down the path when you know nothing is actually going to improve in any way, shape or form. I get subscribing to the whole 'shades of gray' narrative can work but occasionally you need a bit of light at the end of the tunnel and this isnt it.