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Dieselnaut reviewed The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD
Skyward sword was a worthy conclusion to my 3D Zelda journey. The story is delightful, the dungeon and enemy design is amazing (as is tradition) and I really like how lively and active the characters are. It's always a treat whenever there's a cutscene because the characters are animated so well.

I really wasn't expecting Groose to be so relevant to the plot, but I'm so glad he is. Side characters in general are very well executed, and help make Skyloft a worthy hubworld of sorts. Definitely the best "starting village" in Zelda, admittedly because it's the only town in the game, but that doesn't detract from it's greatness. I really enjoyed getting to know all the inhabitants and unveiling the secrets of the place.

The unique structure of the game didn't bother me at all because everything works out so well. I was never annoyed by having to return to all of the ground locations again because the actual quests are so well thought out. For what it's worth, they made the most of the more separated world structure.

For gripes and nitpicks... I suppose there could be more to do in the sky. More places to explore. It is rather small, but then again it's not really intended to be the main focus of the game to the same extent as Windwaker.

This is definitely just a me thing, but I don't like how Graham, the flamboyant snake elf steals the spotlight in the second Eldin dungeon. Dungeon bosses are one of my favourite things about Zelda, and him stealing two spots really bothered me because it means we are missing out on some unique and fun monster design. To clarify, I like how active of a villain he is, but he could have just as easily been an overworld boss the second time around.

Also I hate how the Tentalus boss looks. I get that the art direction got more cartoony after Windwaker but damn you couldnt make it look a bit more menacing? Cool?? Abyssal???? I can't take the otherwise great bossfight seriously.

Yes I don't have any real pieces of criticism for this game, just my weird fixation on dungeon bosses. Skyward Sword is great, and it hurts my soul a little that there's no new 3D Zelda for me to dive in and experience after this. I'm going to miss this.

10 days ago

Dieselnaut completed Super Paper Mario
A puzzle platformer/RPG hybrid. It's fun when it uses those elements right, I just wish it wasn't painfully slow sometimes. Like in the hubworld going between floors takes like 15 seconds. You have to explore this place in between chapters all the time. And in the actual chapters you will sometimes find yourself combing through the pretty large levels for that one thing you missed. For a platformer it really isn't as fluid as it could be, especially considering it's part of the Mario series, the undisputed king of platformers.

This is the stupidest nitpick ever but the hammer Pixl is the worst hammer I have used in a video game. It's so unsatisfying. Also he refused to accept my perfect and family friendly motto because it was "too long". I had to make him say Penis instead. Games fault, not mine.

I don't want to be too negative... Let's end on a high note. The story and characters shine bright and so does the core level design. I like how you can play as Bowser. Bonus content is plentiful. The minigames in the arcade are fun, I just feel really uncomfortable when InterChet calls me a "gamer". that should be considered a slur

13 days ago

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