7 reviews liked by Dinosaurman1234



Wouldn't it be fucked up if this happened to you

It's sooooo goooood, and I wanna recommend it soooo baaaaaaad.

It has my favorite battle system of any JRPG, with fighting game/beat-em-up influence, Motoi Sakuraba was going crazy on the soundtrack, and the characters/world/story were very cool and unique in my opinion.

But the game has a lot of mechanics and ideas that I haven't seen very often, and which you may not understand on your own. Stuff like how to fulfill certain requests Freya gives you, or what certain items and skills are for. The game tells you enough that you'll feel dumb for not getting it, once you understand it. But for me at least, it wasn't enough to actually get it while playing through.

Without spoiling story, there are also multiple endings, but only 1 of them is the full and satisfying conclusion. The requirements to unlock it are specific, and you'll be working on it as you progress through the game. So unless you're willing to play the whole game again after inevitably getting a different ending? You'll want to read the Gamefaqs "best ending guide"

With that said, based on developer interviews, this kind of game design seems intended. For someone willing to dedicate that kind of time: The game may prove a really satisfying and fascinating gift that won't stop giving. Whether you choose to use FAQ's and aim for the best ending, or go in blind as was intended, I hope you'll at least try it. It's a great game.

DO NOT PLAY ON EASY MODE! You get less content to play through, and are not able to get the true ending at all. Just play on Hard mode for the full experience.

The Complete Edition of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt makes this one of the most complete videogame experiences ever, with 2 amazing expansions and an insane amount of additional content.

An absolute monster of a videogame.
The main story is very well made with an exceptional cast of characters, and the writing is fantastic, everything in the game has depth to it.

The amount of content is absolutely ridiculous, at first you might get overwhelmed by all the activities the game throws at you, but exploring the map and doing side quests is definitely worth it, this game has perhaps the best side quests I've ever experienced, and the quest design is phenomenal.

The dialogue options are groundbreaking, almost every quest has different outcomes and interactions, it's insane. Your actions have consequences and if you're not careful, you can miss entire questlines that can alter your entire experience with the game.

Also I think it's worth mentioning how beautiful the soundtrack is, it's pretty much one of the highlights of the game and really sets the tone perfectly.

It's an all-around solid game, it does almost everything very well, except from the gameplay which is a little bit clunky so you'll have to get used to it.
The biggest problem I have with the game personally is the amount of filler and padding in the first half of the story, it's a slow burn and takes too long for the pacing to get good, however, even when it's slow, it's still great and has so many things to offer.

The Open World is one of the best I've ever explored, it's very enjoyable from start to finish, there are so many things to do in this game.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt achieved the impossible, it's unbelievable how a small Polish studio managed to create a remarkable videogame like this one.

Final Rating: "Masterpiece" ~ 10/10.

This game was revolutionary for the genre.

Surprisingly fun shooting mechanics, and great atmosphere

The story is very memorable and it has some very iconic missions.

The multiplayer is very enjoyable, with great maps and guns.

Overall it's my favorite game in the series, this game has everything a Call of Duty game needs, it's the whole package.

Final Rating: "Great" ~ 8/10.

A dark and brutal tale of a lone survivor.
This is a fascinating Tomb Raider origin story, even though I was never really interested in these games, I now consider myself a fan of the Tomb Raider franchise.

The gameplay is great, many tools to use and weaponry to unlock, combat is fast and fluid, climbing is fun and the puzzles are decent.

The Tombs are cool for the most part but unfortunately there aren't many of them. However, there are some open world elements, you can explore the island for secrets and collectibles, which I enjoyed.

Now the plot, it's just mediocre. It has some fantastic action-oriented moments, but for most of the time I didn't find myself attached to the story or the characters, and I didn't like the main villain.

Also there are way too many Quick Time Events, and combined with the linear main story, there's no replay-ability, some sections are straight up exhausting to go through.

Lara Croft carries this game, she is an exceptional female protagonist and goes though some messed up things, and she's easily the highlight of the game.

Final Rating: "Good" ~ 7/10.



dude, what the fuck is this rating? This is one of the defining and best of flash games and still an absolute blast to play nowadays, if you can't fuck with happy wheels, what can you fuck with?