Create 2019

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I really, really like this! Create brings a whole new toy-like vibe to Minecraft that I personally feel like has been a little overshadowed for the past while in favour of taking Minecraft into a more traditionally video-gamey direction. Create's added systems are inviting, unpunishing, somehow engaging while being intuitive and simple to comprehend, and overall just fun to play with. It really does put me in mind of a very well-realized version of a toy like LEGO or Meccano or such. Create just makes the act of making things with the moving, lively tools it offers such an intuitive and kinaesthetically satisfying experience that it genuinely has transformed my view of what Minecraft can be like.

It's also far, far, far more accessible than any comparable minecraft mod I've ever played. Hell, it puts Minecraft's own Redstone mechanics to shame in terms of comprehensibility. It absolutely blasts, say, Tinker's Constructs, in that regard. Where mega-mods such as those are generally content to hand the player an in-game book of instructions for what the hell they're supposed to do with this new mod they just installed, Create's solution is much more elegant:

Practically every item it adds to the game has a "Hold [w] to Ponder" tooltip, which pauses everything to show the player an annotated visual explanation of how the object works, what it does, and what it might be useful for in a practical context. It's great! Incredibly polished feeling for a minecraft mod. It puts me in mind of LEGO instruction booklets, but better, because you can actually see the parts going together. Top tier tutorial system imo. This may not seem like a hugely revolutionary thing, but if you've ever tried to play a "technical" Minecraft mod before, this is like the invention of the goddamn printing press. No mod of this kind has ever made this much sense, it's never just worked the way this does.

Also, you can make fully-customisable, rideable trains and have mobs drive the trains and they get to wear a little hat. It's perfect no notes.