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I haven't played this in a while, but I still think about it on occasion. It's basically a fidget toy for movement shooter junkies. You can bunny-hop and circle strafe and "rocket jump". Skulls and other horrors pour out of the woodwork and pursue you relentlessly. If they touch you, you die. Keep moving, keep shooting. Your "gun" gets stronger as you go, but the volume and variety of enemies chasing you ramp up to a point of insanity. After a certain stage you stop thinking and everything just becomes a blur of speed and violence and adrenaline until you inevitably make one little mistake and die. Then you do it all over again.

The visual style and enemy design really grab me. It's creepy-cool, and the fact your sole form of attack is shooting daggers from your hand is just neat-o. Your alt-fire is a shotgun blast of blades. That alone is surely worth at least three stars.

Is it a bit of a one-trick pony? Yeah. Is it a candidate for "best ten dollars I've ever spent"? Also yes. It's like a Treasure shooter condensed into a blood-red ruby of FPS goodness. The only reason I would ever ward you off from playing is if you're the kind of person who will spend more hours than they can afford saying "okay maybe just one more try".