There was a part in the game where I could make check to search for a clue on a dead body before I sent it in for a processing. I failed the check, but I was allowed to try again if I leveled up my skill. I didn't want to let it go. So I wandered town, talking to NPCs and doing some side quests so I can get some XP. This is where the game thrives when you're just getting lost in the games setting, learning about cryptids from an old woman, getting a history lesson from a cranky old nationalist prick and his friend, arguing with drug addled twelve year olds, hunting for ghosts in a mostly abandoned commercial area. Having your progress being hampered by a missing a die roll can initially be kind of annoying but it also gives you good reason to really take in the rich setting of the game and before. I don't think I've ever played a game where so alive and so literary. The gimmick of having every stat being it's own character that interjects your own thoughts and argues with your other stats is hilarious and amazing. I don't think want to see another game try to top it. It's just this beautiful, non-linear novel.
So after leveling up and equipping the appropriate items, I tried one more time.
I failed the check. So I just wound up save scummong. That's disco, baby!