I know this game is supposed to be cozy and relaxing... but I am S T R E S S E D.

so I have bug-spray. storing it next to pots and pans, logically, is a bad idea. you don't want to cook off of bug-spray chemicals, right??? BUT. there is no room elsewhere for this damn bug-spray. if I put it on the top shelf in the cabinet, who's gonna be able to reach that? NOT MY 5'4 ASS. so I have to move the pans somewhere else.

but... now where do I put the pans???

I cry, give up, and move on to the next room.

me, looking through game pass for something shorter to play: ooh cute animals (:
me, not reading the synopsis and only looking at the main art: looks like a cute mystery game (:
me, 10 minutes into the game: ...😨

no, but i had fun and enjoyed my time playing! it's definitely a visual novel with choose your own adventure mechanics. the plot was wild, but i felt the whole underlying mystery was... weak. i don't hate it, but it didn't feel fully fleshed out in the end. despite that, the characters were fun, the game's gimmick of picking your fate was neat and despite the plot's (imo) flaws, i had a good time with the story!

i had a feeling this would leave me weepy and i was right.

a cute 1 - 2 hour game with cozy vibes. beautiful art, beautiful animations, and i enjoyed the puzzles. a recommended experience with headphones on.