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Did not think the series could get worse than ORAS, but here we are. The most interesting the game got was at the very beginning up until the first gym. From there you are railroaded through a painfully uninspired region whose only charm exists in (some of) the gym leaders. The touted wild area with raid battles is a bland, empty waste of space and the raids themselves do not work half the time. And then there is the story, which is insultingly bad even by the series' low standards. Anytime you get close to it throughout the game, a character will steer you away with "haha don't worry about all that grown up stuff, you just focus on your next gym! >:3". Just so you can find out at the very end that there is literally 0 immediate threat, and the bad guy makes one up just to prove that "there could be". If you enjoy it, fine, I guess. But for me, this was the game that made me realize I have had all the fun I can with the mainline series.

You are never "done" with FFXIV until you put it down forever. You just plain will never run out of stuff to do. The game is not perfect, and many things could be improved or reworked, but it is definitely fun and the most polished MMO I have ever played. I would 110% suggest at least trying the game's free trial, especially if you have friends that play.

Can definitely be fun, but DBD has THE most toxic community I have ever seen, by a huge margin. And I play League of Legends.

Both games were pretty underwhelming and reek of greed. DiS had terrible dancing but good remixes.

Probably my least favorite of the series. The worst decision was to make custom items carry stats, forcing you to clownsuit if you wanted a good character.

Boneless Cyber Sleuth with a gacha. It failed pretty hard and gave players 0 incentive to actually play.

A good step up from Linkz, with an actual story, characters, and a battle system that is not just a budget version of Cyber Sleuth's. Shame about the power creep though.

Fun game, I can respect them trying to go forward with the series despite how painful SC5 was. Plus Talim is back and I can dress her up in 2B's leotard, win/win.

Massive step up from 4 in every way, but still feels like a chore to play through.

Both games were pretty underwhelming and reek of greed. DiM had good dancing but terrible remixes.