It would have been fine as a game but it lacks depth and has backtracking for no real reason

It has pretty much the same flaws as Sticker Star; lacking depth and backtracking. But there were steps into a better direction. Just not a lot of them.

This is without a doubt my favorite game of all time.
Although be warned, its very long and a majority of it is dialogue. But if you are willing to commit you get a Grade A+ JRPG.

For one of those BandaiNamco Anime License games its not too bad. It just doesnt stand out very much.
If I did not make a note of me playing this game I would have completely forgotten about it.

Very solid Action Platformer. Was my first title of this franchise and I can see how this shaped a lot of childhoods.

The game knows what its here for. And its doing it well.

The best game of the trilogy imo (even tho its very close). The overall package here is the most enjoyable for me compared to the other two.

i played this in 2019 i dont remember shit from this game LMAO

A lot of people say this generation is the peak of the franchise. While I have to disagree personally; its just factually correct.

this has to be one of the worst triple A games ever